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Lisa Alexander



My Story

My Scentsy story begins in September 2010! I've always enjoyed fragrance! I fell in love with the Scentsy product the moment I was introduced to it! A safer & cleaner way to enjoy all the smellies, YES PLEASE!!

For the last 20 years, I've been blessed to be a wife and mom of 2 amazing children! When the Scentsy opportunity came into my life, I was looking for something I could have fun doing, have adult interaction, to contribute to our home financially & have flexibility to do the "mom" things! My family has much, especially our children! They have also learned life lessons! Dreaming big, goal setting, the value and rewards of hard work! They grew up packing orders, labeling and even having conversations about Scentsy!
Now that our children are beginning on their own life adventures, I take great pride and JOY in mentoring others! My team members are amazing and it is amazing to be a part of their journey's! To help them achieve the things they want and make their family lives better!

Dreams DO come true! We have been incredibly blessed to be given opportunity to earning incentive trips! My husband and I have been all over the US, Hawaii, South Africa, a Mediterranean cruise to Italy, Rome, France & Spain! I was even able to take our daughter to Mexico on her 18th birthday~ her 1st trip out of the country! Our most recent adventure took us on a 2 week family trip to Marco Island, FL!!

If you're still here & have taken the time to read MY story.. I'd LOVE to take the time to help YOU create yours! Anything is possible with dreams, determination, passion and hard work! Let's do it together!!


What's warming in my home